Sony Xperia U Manual User Guide & Troubleshooting - The Sony Xperia U manual or user guide currently accessible to downloaded directly at sony mobile official web site. The Sony Xperia U manual support in West Germanic and comes in PDF format with file size is 7.14 MB and has 141 pages. If you're owner of this smartphone, please scan the Sony Xperia U user guide as a result of give several reference info and instruction a way to using the Sony Xperia U properly as an example victimisation applications, association setting, change guide, phone setting guide, troubleshooting, etc. Some topics that ar mentioned in the Sony Xperia U user manual like assembly tutorial, setup guide, screen lock, phone half summary with learn menu and key functions on page 13, using the keys, home screen summary, phone settings menu, employing a receiver, web and messaging settings, using data monotor, network settings, decision settings, a way to backing up contacts, using email, google speak, timescape, feed appliance, victimisation robot market, playnow, noreader, adjustment with google, facebook, syncML, victimisation browser for access the web, using wi-fi, VPN, using FM radio, victimisation camera, 3D camera, mobile BRAVIA engine, bluetooth, tutorial bacing up and restoring phone on page 122, lockup and protective phone on page 123, change phone on page 126, downside resolution, and more. Espcially concerning troubleshooting you'll read on page 133 as well as phone isn't operating, resetting the phone, phone cannot charge, no battery charging icon seems once phone starts charging, the battery performance, cannot transfer content, cannot use web based mostly services, error messages. For table of content of Sony Xperia U owner manual read below:
Table of Content for the Sony Xperia U Manual / user guide:
Important information
Android? � what and why?
Getting started
Getting to know your phone
Google Talk
Getting started with Android Market
PlayNow service
Video Unlimited
Music Unlimited
Getting organised
Scanning with the NeoReader? application
Synchronising data on your phone
Connecting to wireless networks
Web browser
Identifying music using TrackID technology
Using the FM radio
Taking photos and recording videos
3D camera
Viewing photos and videos in Gallery
Viewing photos in 3D Album
Bluetooth wireless technology
Connecting your phone to a computer
Using location services to find your position
Backing up and restoring phone content
Backing up and restoring phone content
Updating your phone
Phone settings overview
Status and notification icons overview
Application overview
User support
Recycling your phone
Legal information
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