Nokia C3-00 Manual User Guide & Settings - Nokia C3-00 is a GSM phone with 850/900/1800/1900 frequencies. It has a 2.4 inches with dimensions 115.5 x 58.1 x 13.6 mm. Support for MP3 music, MP4, FM Streo, Bluetooth 2.1, Wi-Fi, WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, Adobe Flash Lite and other nice features on the Nokia C3-00. If you are the owner of this phone, here you can download Nokia C3-00 straight-user documentation on the official Nokia website. You can read the manual is mainly to get information about learning to navigate the menus, using applications, user settings, SIM Free information, solve problems if there are problems on the Nokia C3-00, and others. Nokia C3-00 user manual, of course, very useful for you as a guide for the phone explorer or operate properly according to the procedure. This guide contains reference information and a lot of important clues. Subjects were divided into 19 parts the user with a list of the contents as follows:
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