It will bring new features in the smartphones market. The next S4's processor, the number of cores and the speed that it can achieve, will strengthen Samsung's leadership in the field. The performance of new Samsung Galaxy S4 to run multiple tasks simultaneously with minimal energy consumption is required. Colors that housing will be available, the thickness of the phone, its design, will revolutionize, and this time we launch Samsung has used in recent years.
Weight, compact and modern look of this S4 model are also futures advantages. Most likely the battery will be Ion battery, patented ones from Samsung itself. I can not wait to try all the settings the new model S4, a am excited and eager to share my opinions and suggestions with you, future potential Samsung customers. Hear you soon!
Title: Waiting for the new Galaxy S4...
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Writer 12:14 PM
Rating: 100% based on 99998 ratings. 5 user reviews.
Writer 12:14 PM
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