Friday, June 7, 2013

The 10 things to do when you wake up feeling you can't cope

"Beauty is as much about mind, body, and spirit - total well being, in fact - as it is about face, figure and features." 

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you go out with bad hair day, no make up but in an extremely GOOD MOOD and everything seems just alright? It's the smile on your lips and light in your eyes that makes you lovely. And all that comes from inside.

Every woman has days when she feels unattractive. With an unhappy soul, no sense of humor, and no love for herself. Sometimes we get so stressed up of everything and anything sometimes with no reasons, so tired, so much hatred inside which drives us crazy. Sometimes we don't mean the words that we blast out.

Stop it. It's time to let go. It's okay to cry. You don't have to impress anyone. You are most beautiful when you accept yourself fully. Take the risks. Don't build walls. Let go of history. The moment you're open-hearted and allow yourself to be vulnerable, you are beautiful. Remember -  people that mind don't matter and people that matter don't mind.

Even if you're feeling really down and dark in the dumps, always remember that your state of mind can shift. Don't let emotions control you. There are always positive feelings lurking behind the negatives, like a rainbow after the rain. Have some patience and let your mind take a rest !

Thought that I should share something I came across which I find really interesting. Oh, that's the reason why you're here right ! ;

The ten things to do when you wake up feeling you can't cope : 

  1. Get up - even if it means falling out of bed and staggering to the kitchen.
  2. Look out of the window - look at the sky, birds, people, trees, and remember you're not alone.
  3. Stretch and breathe in slowly and deeply. If you're anxious or angry, imagine pushing the negative feelings out as you exhale.
  4. Eat and drink. Fix yourself a fresh juice, if possible. Have a proper breakfast too.
  5. Think of someone you love and who loves you. Feel that warmth and give it out to others during the day.
  6. Make yourself look the best you possibly can - hair, make up, dress up ! 
  7. Give yourself a hug, and smile ! (Oh yes you can hug yourself )
  8. Decide you will have the best day possible.
  9. Write a list of the things you have to do. Prioritize. Only try and do what is necessary and what you can.
  10. Give yourself and others a little treat during the day. Give. Whatever makes you feel good.

People don't understand your story and they don't live your life, but humans are judgmental and this is reality. Do they know why I do this? Do they really know anything?

Lastly, I want my baby sister to know I really love her and she's one of the best gift I've ever had. No one is ever pretty enough, clever enough, nice enough, funny enough, and all these thoughts comes from fear. Fear spoils everyone's lives, so don't listen to it. Live, Love, and Laugh (?^O^?). She gave me the best support even when my loved ones don't really support me. It is normal to have bad times because there's no any problem that is too big for God. (?^O^?)

//my sister is gonna tell me that I'm so gay after she read this wtf. Whatever!!

Happy Monday, xoxo
Title: The 10 things to do when you wake up feeling you can't cope
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